Hey fellow Worldbuilders,
I hope you are as well as can be in these impossible times.
I want to drop a bit of love in your inbox, ears and hearts today. Episode 031 was released yesterday and it’s definitely For The Worldbuilders. This episode is a little different as it doubles as a mini-workshop where I invite you to answer The Creative Offer Questionnaire to Oneself alongside me.
Inside the podcast:
Reflecting on the breathing tube that is black feminist beauty
We rid ourselves of the concern of “being on the right side of history” and instead take up Toni Cade Bambara’s invitation on making the revolution irresistible, right here, right now — wherever we are, with what we have.
How? We live for the present. We return to the beauty of the present. We love for the present. For the breath in our lungs now.
We shout with the breath in our lungs now. We sing with the breath in our lungs now.
Knowing our song will reverb across non-linear time, to those before us and those who will come after us.
Our song will live in the bodies of the generations to come and that’s the work that I want to concern myself with.
Expanding our capacity to sing in the present.
Embodying the truth that we are worthy of beauty now.
We don’t have to wait until the fall of empire to find new ways to breathe.
Inside the Seed A World Retreat this looks like imagining, building and releasing a creative offer that will fund our practice so we may divest from institutions, brands, organizations, employers who are unable to make space for our breath.
Discover your creative offer using The Creative Offer Questionnaire to Oneself.
Discover your container of breathwork.
Inside the podcast I reflect at the intersection of the questions that brought me to Seeda School…the questions that brought me to you. Where might this intersection of questions bring you?
Tip: Set a 2 min timer and free write for each question! Don’t overthink. Use your body as a technology for channeling the wisdom of your deep desire and intuition. Set a timer to lose the over thinker, pull data from your body and trust what arises.
Strategy: Find your creative offer idea in the intersection of your answers.
Remember: There are people we have never met, with names we don’t yet know, who are waiting for our creative offer.
Living the questions,
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
“Our song will live in the bodies of the generations to come and that’s the work that I want to concern myself with.”
💗 Thank you for this offering, can’t wait to listen!
WOW, this is right on time, thank you so much! Excited to listen and to write with the questionnaire. Sending love.