won't you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life? i had no model. born in babylon both nonwhite and woman what did i see to be except myself? i made it up here on this bridge between starshine and clay, my one hand holding tight my other hand; come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.
Dear Worldbuilder,
Who knew your journey of transformation would bring you here, on this here bridge between starshine and clay, writing songs we make love to, organizing protests that make ancestors beam with the pride of refusal, making paintings that mirror our inner cosmos, facilitating workshops that make our breath feel possible once again, taking breaks that give us permission to do the same, letting your grandfather show up in your pen and for a moment, if only for a moment, you get free and slip away from here.
We wouldn’t have even known to ask for the eroticism of this creative life. Our journey of transformation is ours. What we decide to do with it is our choice too. And the outcomes? We release and prepare for them to be beyond our wildest dreams.
Inside Today’s Podcast Episode
🗣️ We open with a reading of the weekly essay.
✍🏾 We engage with the weekly journaling prompt inside the Creative Offer Questionnaire to Oneself.
☁️ We release the desire to control the cosmic outcomes and enroll in the outcomes beyond our wildest imagination instead.
🤝🏾 We reflect on how our journey of transformation invites us to invest our energy into collective liberation over the individual prosperity neoliberalism promises.
⚒️ We consider safety as something that is forged together, not something that can be bought or sold.
🫂 We direct our attention to the folks waiting to learn from the lessons we’ve gathered along the way.
💡 We remember our curisoity and journey of transformation are all the qualifications we need to teach them.
Register for the Worldbuilding Workshop
For decades, artists have established teaching practices to fund their studio practice. Whether that studio is the dance floor, the kitchen or the street. Maybe you’re teaching at a university and want to develop your own practice of public scholarship. Maybe the university was never an option for you and all your neurodivergent brilliance. Maybe you’re teaching at the local community art center but they aren’t paying nearly enough to cover your bills. Maybe you have a full-time job and want to establish an additional stream of income that allows you to tend to your creative curiosity while saving up for that self-directed artist retreat you’ve been dreaming up.
If any of this feels familiar or aligned, join us for the upcoming Worldbuilding Workshop series where we will learn how to seed and resource a world rooted in your desire. In the first workshop we uncover the seed of your desire using a tool called the “Element X” Quadrant. In the second workshop we will discuss ways to water that seed using a tool called the “Price Calculator”. We kick off the first online workshop this Tuesday, April 16th. See you there? Until then…
So be it, see to it, breathe through it,